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I have
designed the program to stimulate and encourage your child's mind to
GROW! Between the ages of 3 and 6, your child is acquiring
knowledge at an explosive rate. That is why it is SO important to
have a program that is constantly challenging your child and helping
your child to open the doors to a world of wonder. My art program
has been designed to encourage your child to explore. Every day
is something new. Your child will learn new songs every
month. When you put all of these activities together, you are
creating the foundation to build a strong academic base and
skills that are needed for kindergarten and throughout the years of
school to come.
My art program is creative and original. Every day is a new
adventure into the world of art. We use many different mediums
and many different tools: Paint, crayon, shaving cream, paper for
mosaic design, markers, stamping, stenciling, scissor cutting,
paper tearing, and more! I believe that an art program helps a
child to develop good self-esteem, attention to task, fine motor
skills, and cognitive skills. These skills are ESSENTIAL for
kindergarten readiness.
Every day that your child comes to school, they will learn new
songs. I have a song and a book for nearly every art theme!
The children take a lot of pride in working hard on their lyrics and
keeping to the beat of the music. We perform singing programs for
members 4 times a year! The children are accompanied by a professional
pianist. It is truly amazing to watch 3, 4, and 5 year olds perform
these delightful songs for YOU!!
I feel it is so important for children to understand where their food
comes from! Your child will be given the opportunity to plant and watch
fruits and vegetables grow. They’ll see how a plant starts from a seed
how it ends up on the table! We have several garden beds for you
children to garden in. They love to watch the plants that they’ve
planted grow into beautiful flowers or tasty fruits and
vegetables. We also talk about healthy ways to fertilize
soil, what kinds of bugs are good and bad for a garden, and
the proper time to harvest their fruits and vegetables.
I have several friendly animals on our farm:
farm cat
I feel it is essential for children to learn, at a very young age, the
appropriate way to love and care for all animals. Your child will be
able to interact with the animals by feeding, holding, petting and
observing them in their pens and habitats. Each day, it is a
treat for one child to gather fresh eggs to bring home for their
families to enjoy!

